💭 WOOP: Turning Dreams Into Achievable Goals

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We all have dreams and aspirations, but how often do those dreams remain just that—dreams?

Enter the WOOP strategy: a science-backed method developed by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen that helps transform your vague ideas into tangible, achievable goals.

WOOP stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan—a simple yet powerful framework that bridges the gap between dreaming and doing.

"Goals are dreams with deadlines."

- Diana Scharf Hunt

The Power Of WOOP

WOOP is more than just setting a goal; it’s about creating a mental blueprint that prepares you for both success and the inevitable obstacles along the way. By visualizing not only what you want but also what might stand in your way, you’re better equipped to navigate the path ahead.

How To Implement WOOP

1. Wish

Start with your dream—what is it that you truly want? Be specific and realistic.

Example: "I want to write a book."

2. Outcome

Next, imagine the best possible outcome if your wish comes true. Visualize the success, the feelings, and the benefits.

Example: "I’ll become a published author, sharing my ideas with the world, and gaining a sense of accomplishment."

3. Obstacle

Here’s where WOOP shines—identify the internal and external obstacles that could get in the way. This step forces you to confront potential challenges head-on.

Example: "I might struggle with procrastination, self-doubt, or finding the time to write consistently."

4. Plan

Finally, create a plan to overcome these obstacles. What specific actions can you take when you encounter these hurdles?

Example: "I’ll set aside one hour every morning to write, use productivity techniques to stay focused, and join a writing group for support."

Good Reads (Just For You!)

Explore our first-person stories from individuals across the country chasing their wildest dreams.

MEET MARJORIE, the woman who built her dream family after years of heartbreak.

“I searched and held onto stories about people that used their painful situation to help others. I was looking for a rainbow in this storm..."

MEET JOSEPH, the former prisoner who graduated with honors at 62.

“There’s a misconception about guys like me, but if I can do it, anyone can. Not bad for someone who spent half his adult life in prison..."

MEET LAUREN, the single mom by choice encouraging us to chase our dreams solo.

“So often in life we think we must wait. Wait to follow our dreams. Wait until things in our life are less busy or less messy..."

MEET ELLA, the young designer who launched her own wedding gown brand.

“When I was considering the scary leap, my best friends did everything they could to help encourage me to follow those dreams..."

MEET NICOLE, the personal trainer helping other wheelchair users reach their fitness goals.

“I have always had a passion for helping people achieve their goals through fitness. I saw a huge gap for this in the disability community..."

Why WOOP Works

The genius of WOOP lies in its balance between optimism and realism. While it encourages you to dream big, it also grounds you by anticipating the challenges. This dual approach increases your chances of success by making you proactive rather than reactive.

Dreams are the fuel that drives us forward, but without a plan, they’re just wishes. The WOOP strategy is your roadmap to turning those dreams into reality. By visualizing your wish, outcome, obstacle, and plan, you create a clear path to follow. So, pick a dream today, apply WOOP, and watch as your aspirations transform into achievements.

Community Spotlight

Dive into heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys from fellow Living Better members! This week, we're highlighting Abbi's inspiring story:

"I was searching for a goal. Something big that inspired me to push myself and to inspire others.
The idea to run 18 miles on my 18th birthday came from a friend who had recently run 37 miles on his 37th birthday. Once I thought of the possibility of doing this, I knew there was no going back. It was stuck in my head; the goal was set.
Not only was I planning on running an 18-miler on my birthday, but I wanted to raise funds for a local organization that was important to me.
The Waupaca County Suicide Prevention Coalition is a local organization that works towards raising awareness to suicide prevention. As someone who has struggled with mental illness, this organization was special to me and I wanted to raise funds.
I trained for this run for a few months, looking forward to it but thinking it wouldn't be a 'huge' thing. To my disbelief, once I shared my fundraiser, the support I received and the widespread knowledge of what I was doing skyrocketed.
My goal was to raise $500, thinking that might be extreme. In the end, I raised $4,211! I am still blown away by this amount.
The day of my birthday, I woke up early, attempted to eat breakfast although I was extremely nervous, and went out to my homemade start line at 11:44 a.m., the time I was born 18 years prior.
The run started better than I ever thought it could, and I was running faster than I had planned. My family and friends planned out places along the course to cheer, write encouraging messages in chalk on the road to help motivate me, and hold signs to keep me going.
One of the most uplifting things I have ever seen was the first time I saw the parking lot where my finish line was. It was filled with so many people: my parents, siblings, grandparents, teammates, coaches, teachers, friends, and a news crew.
I was blown away by the amount of support I was receiving.
As I closed in on the finish line, I sprinted across the chalk drawn finish line, despite being exhausted by the previous 18 miles I had just run. My joy and pride was overflowing for myself along with the crowd of support that surrounded me.
Anytime I think of this day, my 18th birthday, I get a huge smile on my face because of how extraordinary the day was. Birthdays are always special, but this one was even more so—my best birthday."
- Abbi Williams, Living Better subscriber

Until next time, live well.


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