7️⃣ The 7-Year Rule: Long-Term Thinking For Lifelong Happiness

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Welcome back to Living Better—your trusted guide to finding peace, purpose, and happiness in our fast-paced world.

Have you ever noticed how life seems to shift in significant ways every seven years?

From career changes to personal growth, the seven-year cycle is a fascinating concept that suggests we undergo major transformations in roughly seven-year intervals.

It’s like a natural rhythm that guides our evolution, urging us to reassess, realign, and reinvent ourselves.

"Change is the only constant in life."

- Heraclitus

The 7-Year Rule: A Cycle Of Growth & Change

The idea behind the 7-Year Rule is that our lives follow a pattern of change every seven years.

Whether it’s your career, relationships, or personal development, these cycles often bring new opportunities and challenges that shape who you are and where you’re headed.

It’s not just about age; it’s about stages—each cycle marks a transition into a new phase of life, where growth and adaptation are key.

Why It Matters

Understanding the 7-Year Rule can help you anticipate and embrace these cycles of change rather than resist them.

It’s about thinking long-term and recognizing that each stage of life brings its own set of goals, challenges, and rewards.

By planning for these natural shifts, you can align your actions with your aspirations, ensuring that you’re not just surviving but thriving through each phase.

Good Reads (Just For You!)

Explore our first-person stories from individuals embracing change and life's unexpected pivots.

MEET JILLIAN, the special needs mom detailing her journey to embracing change.

“Today, we admit the hard and we move on. That’s what we do as parents of kids with disabilities. When fear comes, we keep going..."

MEET VITA, the chronic illness warrior sharing how she overcomes the unknowns.

“I would tell the younger version of myself to love her life because, with every experience she overcame, I became stronger..."

MEET NICOLE, the single mom by choice who embarked on the road less taken.

“I have had so many doubts and questions along the way, but when it comes down to it, I wouldn't regret a thing..."

MEET SONDRA, the woman with alopecia conquering life's unexpected curveballs.

“Coming out of hiding is the best thing I could have done. I no longer wear wigs/hair weaves because I have to, but because I want to..."

MEET ALLISON, the neurodivergent woman coming to terms with her newfound diagnosis.

“I’ve muddled through the trials and the errors and the hurt and the wins. I am finally living as my authentic self..."

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Actionable Strategies

1. Reflect On Past Cycles

Take a moment to look back on your life in seven-year intervals. What major changes occurred? How did you grow? Use this reflection to identify patterns and prepare for the next cycle.

Example: If you’re 28, think about what happened between 21-28, 14-21, and 7-14. What lessons can you carry forward?

2. Set 7-Year Goals

Think long-term by setting goals that reflect where you want to be in the next seven years. These goals should be broad enough to adapt as you grow but specific enough to guide your actions.

Example: Instead of just aiming for career success, think about where you want to be in your career, relationships, and personal life by your next seven-year milestone.

3. Embrace Change

Recognize that change is not just inevitable but essential for growth. Use the 7-Year Rule to remind yourself that every cycle is an opportunity to evolve and align more closely with your true self.

Example: If you’re feeling stuck, consider that you might be at the end of a cycle—use this time to explore new paths and possibilities.

4. Re-Evaluate Regularly

Every few years, take stock of where you are and where you want to go. Adjust your goals and strategies to reflect on the person you’re becoming, not just who you’ve been.

Example: Create a ritual every seven years to review your life’s direction—celebrate your progress and set intentions for the next phase.

Community Spotlight

Dive into heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys from fellow Living Better members! This week, we're highlighting Spring's touching story:

"My heart was warmed at Wal-Mart during lunch. This gentleman's items were scanned and he was given the total. He looks apologetically back at me and starts taking handfuls of change out of his pockets.
He miscounts and starts to get flustered, then gives me a muttered, 'I'm so sorry.' His hands and voice are shaking.
This beautiful cashier takes his hands and dumps all the change on the counter and says, 'This is not a problem, honey. We will do this together.'
He continues to apologize to both of us as we reassure him it's okay. They get his transaction handled and he shuffles away.
I looked at this wonderful woman and said, 'Thank you for being so patient with him.' She shakes her head and replies, 'You shouldn't have to thank me, baby. What's wrong with our world is we've forgotten how to love one another.'
I want to be more like her."
- Spring Herbison Bowlin, Living Better subscriber

The 7-Year Rule is a powerful tool for long-term thinking and personal growth. By acknowledging and planning for these natural cycles of change, you can turn life’s transitions into opportunities for reinvention and happiness.

Remember, life is not a straight line but a series of cycles—each one offering a chance to grow, adapt, and thrive. Embrace the rhythm, plan for the future, and watch as your life unfolds in extraordinary ways.

Until next time, live well.


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