⚖️ The Rule Of Thirds: Maintaining Balance In Pursuit Of Goals

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In the world of athletics, there’s a principle known as the Rule of Thirds: a third of the time you feel great, a third you feel okay, and a third you struggle.

This rule doesn’t just apply to athletes—it’s a powerful framework for anyone pursuing big goals.

Understanding and embracing this concept can help you maintain balance and resilience, even when the going gets tough.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

- Winston Churchill

Why The Rule Of Thirds Matters

The Rule of Thirds reminds us that struggle is a natural part of any worthwhile journey. It’s easy to become discouraged during the difficult phases, but these moments are just as essential as the times when everything is going smoothly. Accepting this balance helps prevent burnout and fosters long-term perseverance.

Actionable Strategies

1. Embrace The Struggles

When you’re in the difficult third, remind yourself that it’s a normal part of the process. Struggles aren’t signs of failure; they’re opportunities for growth and learning.

Example: If you’re working on a project and feel stuck, use this time to identify gaps in your knowledge or skills and seek out ways to improve.

2. Celebrate The Highs

During the times when you’re feeling great, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your progress. This reinforces positive behavior and keeps you motivated.

Example: After completing a milestone, reward yourself with something that rejuvenates you—a break, a treat, or simply some time to reflect on your achievements.

3. Stay Steady In The Middle

When you’re in the middle third—where everything feels just okay—focus on maintaining consistency. This is where discipline plays a crucial role in keeping you on track.

Example: On days when you feel neither high nor low, concentrate on sticking to your routines and habits, knowing that these steady efforts are key to long-term success.

Good Reads (Just For You!)

Explore our first-person stories from individuals finding strength and resilience during tough times.

MEET ERIN, the mom revealing her secret to raising resilient kids.

“Slowly, over time, I have helped build the foundation that allows her to face defeat with strength and a smile..."

MEET MESHA, the woman who conquered her battle with addiction to raise two healthy kids.

“I share my story to not only inspire, but hopefully show that life can indeed be beautiful no matter how hard the circumstances..."

MEET ERIC, the pilot with a limb difference sharing how he overcame his personal obstacles.

“We all have something that sets us apart and makes us unique. We all have challenges to overcome, limb difference or not..."

MEET CARA, the woman who gained newfound strength after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

“I went from going to the doctor once a year for a checkup to being at the cancer center multiple times a week..."

MEET CYNDI, the widow with advice for building resilience when the going gets tough.

“My struggle is productive, and I continue to learn more from it than I could’ve ever learned from anything else..."

Community Spotlight

Dive into heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys from fellow Living Better members! This week, we're highlighting Fernando's touching story:

"This man stuck out to me more than anybody ever has. Today, he gave all his change to a mother and her child so they could take the bus to their shelter.
He was walking into Hook's Wings when the mother asked him for some money so her and her child could get home. He knew if he gave it to her, he wouldn't have money to eat, and yet he still gave it to her.
He started walking away when I called him. I offered to pay for anything he wanted and he still remained humble enough to decline my offer.
After a few words, I finally got him to agree. Even though he agreed he still tried to pick the smallest order possible. He ended up ordering a 6-piece wings with fries and I ordered a 20-piece wings with fries and a drink.
When we finally got the food, I gave him my order and I took his. I thanked him for showing me that money doesn't mean anything if you aren't helping others.
In tears, he thanks me and hugged me. Some people are blessed more than other but that doesn't mean we're better than them. Help others because you never know when you'll need help."
- Fernando Ferrera, Living Better subscriber

Remember, progress isn’t about feeling great all the time—it’s about continuing to show up, regardless of where you are in the cycle. Embrace the highs, work through the lows, and keep steady in between. This balanced approach is what will carry you to your goals.

Until next time, live well.


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