🔏 The Hidden Cost Of Perfectionism

November 17, 2023

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Welcome back to Living Better—your ultimate playbook for a life well-lived. We serve up science-backed wisdom, eye-opening insights, and heartwarming stories that'll inspire you to elevate your game.

We’re all looking for success and fulfillment. But when our efforts border on perfectionism, what’s the cost? An unrelenting pursuit of perfection can have a profound impact on both our mental and physical well-being.

Join us as we explore the hidden costs of perfectionism and learn how to embrace a more balanced, growth-oriented mindset.

Today's Sneak Peek...

Long-Form Reads

MEET JESS, the mom challenging the standard of perfectionism in parenthood.

“Your kids don’t need perfection. They just need you to be present, flaws and all. Those flaws are what make your kids love you even more…”

MEET HEATHER, the woman sharing her journey from perfectionism to self-love.

“As a girl growing up in the 90s, I learned I needed to be perfect in order to be happy or be forever miserable as an unloved imperfection…”

MEET EVANS, the man raising awareness about the after-effect of perfectionism: burnout.

“You might not be lazy, just burnt out. And burnout is common, so it’s important you know the signs and what to do about it..."

MEET ALI, the parent sharing why making mistakes is crucial to child development.

“Being imperfect means being real. It allows our children to breathe and know being just as they are is always good enough…”

MEET RACHAEL, the woman discussing the link between ADHD and perfectionism.

“While my diagnosis doesn’t change the way my brain works, it’s given me permission to feel okay about things not being perfect…”

MEET DANIELLE, the woman addressing the unspoken perfectionism double standard.

“Next time you go to judge a mom, think about where your bias is coming from. Because she’s human, and she deserves grace…”

Understanding Perfectionism: More Than Just High Standards

Perfectionism is often mistaken for high standards, but it's a more insidious psychological pattern. Unlike healthy ambition, which is driven by growth and achievement, perfectionism is rooted in fear of failure and negative self-evaluation. It manifests in various forms, from relentless self-criticism to an overwhelming need for external validation. This constant pursuit of an unattainable ideal often stems from early life experiences and societal pressures, creating a cycle where nothing ever feels good enough.

➣ Go Deeper: Perfectionism Causes, Impact & Treatment


"Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgment, and shame. It's a twenty-ton shield we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it's the thing that's really preventing us from taking flight."

- Brené Brown

The Psychological Toll: When Perfectionism Becomes A Burden

The mental health implications of perfectionism are significant. It's a breeding ground for anxiety, depression, and burnout. Personal stories in this issue reveal the depth of these struggles, offering a window into the lives of those who have grappled with the paralyzing effects of perfectionism. These narratives underscore the importance of recognizing and addressing this issue before it escalates.

➣ Go Deeper: How Perfectionism Leads To Burnout

QUIZ: Perfectionism is different than high standards in that it is...

1. Far less harmful to the psyche
2. Rooted in healthy ambition
3. A harmful cycle of not feeling good enough
4. Driven by growth and achievement

Beyond LWM: Ending The Pursuit Of Perfection

Iskra Lawrence asserts that we all need to be taught how to look after ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally and encourages us to invest in ourselves right now. She gives examples of self-care techniques like the mirror challenge and the gratitude list that work for anyone, any age, anytime. If we learn self-care and practice self-care, then we can gift self-care to others.

video preview

The Physical Impact: A Body Under Pressure

Perfectionism's impact extends beyond mental health, manifesting physically in various ways. Chronic stress, a common byproduct of perfectionism, can lead to insomnia, digestive issues, and even long-term conditions like heart disease. Medical professionals highlight the importance of recognizing these physical symptoms as potential signs of underlying perfectionistic tendencies.

➣ Go Deeper: 6 Consequences Of Perfectionism To Watch For

Strategies For Change: Cultivating A Growth Mindset

Maintaining high standards is healthy, but it's crucial to avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism. This balance can be achieved through:

  1. Setting Realistic Goals: Replace unattainable standards with achievable objectives.
  2. Self-Compassion: Practice kindness towards oneself instead of relentless self-criticism.
  3. Seeking Professional Help: Therapists can provide tools and strategies to shift mindset.
  4. Balancing Act: Seek harmony in imperfection.
  5. Mindfulness: Stay present and aware, reducing the tendency to overthink.
  6. Setting Boundaries: Know when to step back and avoid overcommitting.
  7. Valuing Progress Over Perfection: Focus on the journey, not just the destination.

➣ Go Deeper: The Dangerous Downsides Of Perfectionism

POLL: Which affirmation will you be adopting this week?

1. "I am human and I am allowed to make mistakes..."
2. "I will choose self-compassion over self-criticism..."
3. "There is vast beauty in my imperfections..."
4. "I am deserving of love and acceptance, just as I am..."
5. "My worth is not determined by external validation..."

Community Spotlight

Dive into the heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys of fellow Living Better members!

Each week, we'll highlight your very own experiences, challenges, and triumphs to showcase hope, kindness, and overcoming adversity.

This week, join us in reading Kaleigh's important reminder to break from the chains of perfectionism and offer ourselves kindness this holiday season:

“Your kids don’t care if everything is perfect this holiday season.

They don’t care if the family elf has the most perfect goodbye message. They don’t care if the presents are perfectly wrapped with bows or in Amazon boxes.

They don’t care about the decorations, or how the house looks.

They probably don’t care too much about what’s for supper. Whether they’re having a family traditional meal or mac n’ cheese.

They don’t care if the PJs match. Or if they’re Christmas jammies. Or if they’re the same ones they were wearing 4 months ago.

They don’t care if the perfect pictures are taken. They probably prefer none, anyways.

They won’t remember if the tree is big or small. In fact… maybe they prefer the small tree so they can see the star at the top a little more clearly.

But you know what they’ll remember?

They’ll remember your love and warmth.

They’ll remember if you were happy to spend time with them.

They’ll remember how you went with the flow.

They’ll remember the laughter together.

They’ll remember the warmth of your snuggles.

So sit back and enjoy the imperfections of this year. And relax into simple love.”

- Kaleigh, Living Better subscriber

Until next time, live well.

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