🧠 The Growth Mindset: How To Rewire Your Brain For Success

October 30, 2023 | Read Online

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Welcome back to Living Better—your trusted source for insights designed to enrich your life.

Have you ever felt limited by your circumstances or innate abilities?

Stick around! Today we’re exploring what makes up a Growth Mindset and how you can rewire your brain for success and lifelong growth.

Today's Sneak Peek...

Long-Form Reads

MEET EMILY, the mom sharing how celebrating small wins helped her grow a stronger, healthier mindset.

“There’s science behind celebrating. The very act releases the ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain—serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine…”

MEET AMY, the licensed social worker with a list of 13 things to avoid in order to develop your mindset for the better.

“Mentally strong people know true change takes time; they’re willing to work hard to see results. The good news is everyone has this ability…”

MEET CARRIE, the recovered addict who shares how embracing life’s struggles opened the door to exponential personal growth.

“My beautiful life is a direct result of addiction and divorce. Not the experiences themselves, but the work I’ve done because of them…”

MEET MAEVE, the chronic illness warrior who explains the power of practicing mindfulness, a growth mindset technique.

“I’ve felt not good enough. But in sitting with these thoughts, looking at them from different angles, and letting them go, I cope and survive…”

MEET RACHAEL, the mom detailing how the freedom to exercise curiosity can transform children and adults alike.

“Next time you see your child get curious about something, step back and watch them discover the world around them…”

MEET AMY, the woman sharing how being receptive to feedback can teach you some of life’s greatest lessons.

“My 4th grade classmate changed my outlook on life in just four words. I’m sitting here at age 35, still thinking about them…”

What Is A Growth Mindset?

A Growth Mindset, coined by Dr. Carol Dweck, is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed.

It is not just an optimistic outlook; it's a reorientation of how you view your abilities and potential.

Rooted in neuroscience, this mindset hinges on the understanding that your brain is not a static organ but a dynamic entity, evolving based on your experiences and efforts.

It's about recognizing that your talents are not fixed attributes; they can be honed and expanded through dedication and hard work.


"The mind is just like a muscle—the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.”

- Idowu Koyenikan

Neuroplasticity: The Science Of Adaptability

Neuroplasticity, our brain's ability to reorganize and form new neural connections, proves our brains are not fixed but can change and adapt. It's the biological foundation of a Growth Mindset, allowing you to evolve and overcome challenges.

Go Deeper: What Is Neuroplasticity?

Learning And Skill Development

Harness the power of neuroplasticity by engaging in deliberate practice. Whether you're learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument, consistent practice rewires your brain for success.

Go Deeper: The Power Of Neuroplasticity For Personal Growth

QUIZ: When does neuroplasticity prove when it comes to adopting a Growth Mindset?

1. Our brain's are completely stagnant
2. Our brain's can change, adapt, and grow
3. Our brain's are made entirely of plastic

Beyond LWM: After Watching This, Your Brain Will Not Be The Same

Dr. Lara Boyd discusses how new knowledge, seizing diverse opportunities, and engaging in novel experiences, not just enrich your life—but fundamentally transform your brain. In doing so, you unlock a limitless realm of potential, reshaping your neural pathways and expanding the horizons of what you can achieve.

video preview

Your Guide To Developing A Growth Mindset

Start your day with mindfulness exercises such as affirmations to prime your brain for growth and set the stage for a day focused on learning and adaptability. Next, employ these six strategies:

  1. Embrace Challenges: See obstacles as opportunities to grow. Your brain will adapt as you tackle new problems.
  2. Cultivate Curiosity: Adopt a learner's mindset. Ask questions and seek to understand, which encourages neural connections.
  3. Feedback Loop: Actively seek and apply feedback. It's the raw material for growth and neural adaptation.
  4. Grit and Resilience: Build your mental toughness. Resilience is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets, thanks to neuroplasticity.
  5. Celebrate Progress: Take time to acknowledge your growth. Positive reinforcement can strengthen the neural pathways associated with success.
  6. Mindfulness and Reflection: End your day by reflecting on what you've learned. This consolidates your experiences and helps in better neural wiring.

POLL: Which strategy above are you most likely to try?

1. Embracing obstacles and challenges
2. Cultivating curiosity
3. Seeking and applying feedback
4. Acknowledging and celebrating progress
5. Reflecting on learning
6. Building mental toughness

Community Spotlight

As a thank you for being part of the Living Better community, we’ll be featuring stories to brighten your week, from subscribers just like YOU!

Today, we’re highlighting our subscriber Brandi's beautiful submission:

“My mom died when I was 10. Growing up, I felt like I knew so little about her personality, what she was like, what she was passionate about, etc.

My mom was an American who grew up in Mexico City, as her dad was a businessman there for a large company. She attended the American School there with a bunch of other Americans who all stayed in touch well after they had moved on after graduation.

In my mid-twenties, I, for the first time, got connected with my mom's lifetime best friend, Patty, who grew up with her in Mexico. She lived in California, and I had recently moved there.

We got to know each other and would meet every other month or so to go out to eat. Patty would tell me stories about their childhood together. They were even each other's Maid of Honors in their weddings.

For my birthday, Patty showed up to our lunch with a gift. As I opened it up, I found two albums.

One was full of pictures of their childhood together: dozens of black and white pictures of my mom, grandparents, aunts, classmates, and Patty. It was sweet to see these pictures from the 1950s and 60s.

The second album I opened was full of letters written to me with personal stories about my mom. Patty had contacted all the classmates from the American School my mom had attended all those years ago and told them we had become friends. She explained I was sad I knew so little about my mom.

They all came together and wrote me letters sharing about my mom, her sense of humor, fun memories, times they had gotten into trouble or skipped class, etc.

It allowed me a window into the life of my mom. I teared up while looking at it and have often referred to it as the most kind, loving, and thoughtful gift I have ever received."

Until next time, live well.

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