
Living Better

☀️ JOMO (The Joy Of Missing Out): Finding Peace In A Busy World

Published 9 days ago • 6 min read

Hey Reader,

Welcome back to Living Better—your trusted guide to finding peace and purpose in our fast-paced world.

In an age of constant connectivity and endless distractions, the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) offers a refreshing alternative.

Today, we're exploring how embracing simplicity can lead to a more fulfilling and focused life.

"It is not the daily increase but the daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential."

- Bruce Lee

The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)

In a world constantly buzzing with notifications, events, and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Enter JOMO; JOMO is about embracing simplicity, savoring the present moment, and prioritizing what truly matters.

The Benefits Of JOMO:

  1. Mental Clarity: By letting go of unnecessary commitments, you can create space for mindfulness and mental peace.
  2. Improved Relationships: Focusing on fewer, deeper connections can enhance the quality of your relationships.
  3. Increased Productivity: Simplifying your schedule can allow you to channel your energy into what truly drives you.

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Actionable Strategies For Embracing JOMO

  1. Prioritize Your Time: Identify your top priorities. Dedicate your time and energy to these key areas, and don't be afraid to say no to distractions.
  2. Digital Detox: Set specific times to unplug from digital devices. Use this time for hobbies, nature walks, or quality time with loved ones.
  3. Mindful Scheduling: Keep a simplified calendar. Block out time for rest and reflection, and avoid overcommitting.
  4. Declutter Your Space: A tidy environment can lead to a tidy mind. Regularly declutter your living and working spaces to create a calming atmosphere.
  5. Practice Gratitude: Focus on what you have rather than what you're missing. Gratitude journaling can help shift your mindset towards appreciation and contentment.

Good Reads (Just For You!)

Explore our first-person stories to learn more about practicing JOMO, rethinking your to-do lists, and cherishing every moment.

MEET DANIELLE, the woman sharing the path for people pleasers to 'recharge their soul.'

“I used to think to be a kind human, I had to always say yes. But saying yes and people-pleasing showed how little I valued myself..."

MEET DEBBIE, the recovered alcoholic who learned to focus on what truly matters in life.

“We don’t get party invites anymore. Sometimes, I get FOMO. I want to shout, ‘I am still fun!’ But now I have more time for love and family..."

MEET CHRISTI, the busy mom detailing 7 simple hacks for saving precious time.

“I end every single day exhausted from trying to keep up with my to-do list. These tips help me be more productive while saving so much time..."

MEET ALIETTE, the military spouse sharing the act of kindness that helped her cherish life.

“My face swelled with tears of gratitude for our neighbor Steve. But it wasn’t about the grass. It was about the gift of time he gave us..."

MEET ALI, the mom sharing the most important task that should be on all of our to-do lists.

“Today, let’s add a new bullet note to our to-do list: ME. Imagine finding one way, each day, to care for and cherish ourselves..."

Your JOMO Challenge Of The Week

The essence of JOMO is recognizing that less can be more. By cutting out the noise, you allow room for genuine experiences and meaningful growth. Remember, the goal isn’t to do more, but to do what matters more.

This week, identify one area of your life where you can embrace JOMO. Whether it’s declining a social invitation, unplugging from your phone for an hour each day, or decluttering your workspace, take a concrete step towards simplifying and focusing on what truly matters.

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We'd love to feature you in an upcoming Living Better newsletter. Submit your life-changing advice and how it impacted you below.

Community Spotlight

Dive into heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys from fellow Living Better members! This week, we're highlighting Dana's sweet story:

"No, this is not my husband holding our newborn daughter.
He is not my brother. He is not a cousin. He is not a friend who I’ve known a lifetime.
This man was our son Julian’s neonatologist.
The same doctor who two years ago sat us down in the very same hospital and told us our baby boy was very sick with fetal hydrops.
The same doctor who worked tirelessly amongst others in the NICU to try and save our son.
The same doctor told us he would exhaust every option available to keep his heart beating.
The same doctor who had to deliver the somber news almost 36 hours later that there was nothing more that could be done.
The same doctor who shared his own personal story of losing his older brother before he was born and looked at a brokenhearted mother to tell her to never stop speaking Julian’s name.
The same doctor who never left our side and stood in the room as Julian took his final breath in mine and his daddy’s arms.
The same doctor who I looked up at in between my deep howls and saw he, too, was breaking down as we kissed our son goodbye.
The same doctor who attended our son’s funeral.
The same doctor who called and reached out countless times after our son’s passing to check on us.
The same doctor who came to our follow-up appointments because he also cared enough to get answers as to what caused his condition.
You see, this is the same doctor who is holding our now five-week-old daughter.
My husband left the room ONE time this day. And upon making his way back up, they crossed paths.
They spotted each other with familiar eyes and to this doctor’s surprise, he came to learn we just delivered our healthy baby girl.
What happened next?
Well, this same doctor came knocking on our room door.
This time it wasn’t to deliver any sad news.
This time it wasn’t to tell us to get upstairs right away because we were losing our boy.
No, this time, it was different.
This time, he got to hold our daughter.
This time, we got to see him not just as Julian’s neonatologist, but as a friend.
This time, there were not just tears of sadness as we both reminisced those sacred moments we had with Julian, but also tears of joy, as he held our girl."
- Dana Romano, Living Better subscriber

Embrace JOMO, simplify your life, and discover the joy of focusing on what truly counts.

Stay well,

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