☔ How To Uplift Your Loved Ones On Their Darkest Days

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Welcome back to Living Better—your trusted guide to finding peace, purpose, and happiness in our fast-paced world.

Have you ever noticed a loved one in your life struggling or feeling down, but didn't quite know how to approach helping them?

Whether a sibling, friend, or spouse, today we'll explore a compassionate strategy for uplifting your loved ones through their darkest storms.

"There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

- Scott Adams

Letter From The Editor

Dear readers,

I would like to dedicate this newsletter to discussing a personal kindness tradition I started with a loved one of mine early last year that is simply too precious not to share with the world.

What started as a simple way to cheer up a loved one has now turned into a long-term support strategy. I call it the "Extra Love Jar," and it has completely revolutionized the way I care for those dear to my heart.

Make kindness your superpower and read on to learn how you, too, can incorporate the power of the "Extra Love Jar" into your very own relationships, because everyone needs a little extra love sometimes.

I sincerely hope this helps!

Warm wishes,

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How To Make An "Extra Love Jar"

Materials Needed

  • Mason jar (substitute: cup or basket)
  • Tape
  • Sheet of paper
  • Scissor
  • Writing utensil

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Take your piece of paper (ideally printer paper or looseleaf) and fold it in half four times. Unfold your paper to reveal 16 rectangles.
  2. Using your scissor, cut along the folded lines to create 16 individual pieces of paper.
  3. On 15 of the 16 pieces of paper, write down something your loved one enjoys or could benefit from on a hard day. It can be a favorite food, movie, activity, or wellness technique.
  4. Once you've filled out all 15 papers, fold each one twice (into smaller pieces of paper) and place them inside your mason jar or cup.
  5. Write the words "Extra Love Jar" on the final slip of paper and tape it to the outside of your jar.

How It Works

Any time you notice your loved one having a difficult day, bring out the "Extra Love Jar" and prompt them to retrieve a strip of paper from it.

Whether a nature walk, brownie baking session, museum date, or screening of their all-time favorite movie, fulfill the jar's wishes within 1-7 days.

After the first drawing, encourage your partner to actively pull from the jar on their hardest days. (Editor's Note: My loved one now goes sprinting for it any time he's having an off day!)

You can refill your "Extra Love Jar" as many times as necessary and/or make multiple jars customized to each of your loved ones likes and preferences. They also make great gifts for the holidays!


  • The jar can provide instant cheering up or give your loved one something special to look forward to when life feels tough
  • It's a fantastic, low-effort way for your loved one to let you know they need a little extra help without having to immediately articulate their emotions (this is especially great for those who struggle communicating their emotions in general!)
  • Sharing a jar lets your loved one know they are not alone and you are committed to providing unconditional support

Good Reads (Just For You!)

From grief to depression, explore our comprehensive guides for supporting your loved ones through different rough patches in life.

MEET KATE, the woman sharing how to support moms battling postpartum depression.

“It’s natural to feel overwhelmed or confused. With the right knowledge and resources, you can be an invaluable source of comfort..."

MEET STEPHANIE, the specialist with tips for supporting someone battling substance abuse.

“The journey of helping a loved one with addiction is a path marked by patience, understanding, and unwavering support..."

MEET ERIN, the woman with tips for supporting grieving parents.

“We cannot change the hearts of others, but we can walk together through the greatest storm and light a path for those who come after us..."

MEET ANNA, the woman sharing 9 ways to support your loved one on their adoption journey.

“Adoption can be a long and emotional process. Here are a few ways to support your loved one and show your love..."

MEET AMANDA, the licensed counselor with 10 tips for supporting loved ones facing infidelity.

“People living in the aftermath of infidelity are on an arduous journey, and much of the outcome depends on the support of friends and family..."

Community Spotlight

Dive into heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys from fellow Living Better members! This week, we're highlighting Michelle's touching story:

"Proud mom moment! A homeless man walked into the restaurant where my son, Matthew, works and asked if he could buy anything with 50 cents from their menu.
My son asked the guy what he would order and the man said anything to help him ease his hunger. Matthew then served the man a reasonable meal and paid it off by himself. He gave the man the paid receipt and asked him to have a seat.
But it didn't end there. There was a lady sitting across the tables and watching my son. She informed the company about Matthew's kind act and not only did she do that, she also gave him a great tip for his generous act.
I'm so proud to be his mother and to know I've had a little part in raising such a gentleman."
- Michelle Resendez, Living Better subscriber

We never know what another person is going through, but through compassion, we can help our loved ones see the light at the end of the tunnel. Try making an "Extra Love Jar" today!

Until next time, live well.


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