🔄 Embracing Kaizen: The Art Of Continuous Improvement

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Welcome back to Living Better—your ultimate playbook for a life well-lived. We serve up science-backed wisdom, eye-opening insights, and heartwarming stories that'll inspire you to elevate your game.

Have you ever considered the power small, consistent changes can have in transforming your life?

Kaizen, a philosophy of continuous improvement, teaches us the value of incremental, daily progress over grand, sweeping changes.

As you read this edition, ask yourself, what small change can I make today that would improve my life, even slightly?

Today's Sneak Peek...

Long-Form Reads

MEET EMILY, the mom detailing the power of celebrating small wins and changes.

“This tiny change in my day proved to be the most powerful way for me to shift my mindset and be a happier mom..."

MEET RACHEL, the wife sharing 5 small changes you can make to improve your marriage.

“After years of trial and error, I can confidently say I have stumbled upon a few 'quick fixes' that almost instantly made my marriage better..."

MEET HEATHER, the mom revealing the key to her co-parenting success: consistent effort.

"Biological parent or stepparent, co-parenting is a learning curve that requires constant effort, patience, and motivation to improve..."

MEET NICOLE, the woman sharing a powerful analogy about the power of continuous effort.

“It's hard believing no mountain is too big to climb. But when you just keep going, when you just keep swimming, you overcome..."

MEET KATE, the writer with 11 self-improvement book recommendations for 2024.

"With the start of a new year comes the strong desire to make lasting changes to improve your overall life..."

MEET KENDRA, the woman with words of wisdom for coping with life's challenges.

“Just take the next breath. Make the next decision. Keep going even on the days every single thing within you is begging you to stop..."

The Philosophy Of Kaizen

Originating in post-war Japan, Kaizen is a mindset that emphasizes constant, gradual improvement. In both personal and professional realms, it advocates for a process-oriented approach, focusing on small, achievable steps towards a larger goal.

➣ Go Deeper: Why Kaizen Should Be The Everything Philosophy


“Kaizen is about continuous improvement. It means taking small steps towards the betterment of processes, oneself, and the environment."

- Masaaki Imai, Kaizen pioneer

Kaizen In Everyday Life

Incorporating Kaizen into daily life means seeking out opportunities for improvement in all areas, no matter how minor they may seem.

Here are the three key benefits of Kaizen:

  1. Stress Reduction: By focusing on small changes, Kaizen reduces the overwhelm often associated with significant transformations.
  2. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Kaizen encourages a proactive approach to challenges, fostering creative and efficient solutions.
  3. Increased Productivity: Small, continuous improvements lead to significant results over time without the burnout.

➣ Go Deeper: Kaizen Will Help You Forge Long-Term Success

POLL: What is a small change you've been meaning to make in your life?

1. Hang out with loved ones more
2. Eat healthier
3. Learn a new skill or hobby
4. Unplug from technology more often
5. Prioritize meditation or relaxation
6. Express more gratitude

Beyond LWM: The 1-Minute Secret To Forming A New Habit

You're likely familiar with how resolutions go: you begin with a determined goal and a burst of enthusiasm... then, as motivation wanes, feelings of frustration and disappointment start to surface. This challenge is common, but what if there's a more straightforward way to approach it? Sociologist Christine Carter offers an easy yet effective method to alter your perspective, helping you stay aligned with your most ambitious goals.

video preview

Actionable Steps To Apply Kaizen

Kaizen is not just a productivity tool; it's a philosophy that can transform your approach to life. By embracing small, consistent improvements, you can pave the way for significant, sustainable change.

Here are five ways to get started:

  1. Set Small Goals: Identify areas for improvement and set achievable, incremental goals.
  2. Reflect Daily: Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on what went well and what could be improved.
  3. Embrace Mistakes: View mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth.
  4. Seek Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from others to identify areas for improvement.
  5. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest steps forward.

➣ Go Deeper: Kaizen: Breaking The Chains Of Laziness

POLL: Which Kaizen affirmation will you be adopting this week?

1. "I have the power to create positive change in my life..."
2. "With consistency, my goals are possible..."
3. "It's okay to make mistakes, as long as I keep on trying..."
4. "It's never too late to work towards my aspirations..."

Community Spotlight

Dive into the heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys of fellow Living Better community members!

This week, we're highlighting Jessica's touching story:

"Today is a day I’ll cherish forever. I recently found out my piano teacher (Joan) of 11 years is at a nursing home. I haven't seen her in over 20 years.
I was in the town where her nursing home is located to practice the organ at a church I will be playing.
I decided to visit her and play for her again after 20 years of being an organist and playing piano without her next to me keeping time, critiquing my phrases and staccatos, and having me practice tough spots over and over and over.
She’s the reason I’m an organist; she saw the very best in me and pushed me outside of my comfort zone.
She taught me to love music, she taught me to feel music, and she taught me I could practice and do things I set my mind to.
Joan wasn’t able to talk to me much today, but when I introduced myself to her, she cried.
I wheeled her to the piano, sat down, and showed her the books she lent me that I never returned.
I showed her the music to the first hymn she had me play at church, with her writing still on the page.
I showed her the books that had my classical recital songs in them. She shook her head yes.
I played numerous hymns, classical songs she taught me to play for our recitals, and Christmas songs.
She smiled back at me...the Joan I remember from 20 years ago. The Joan who smiled at me when I brought her a trophy from the talent contest I had won. The Joan who smiled at me when I FINALLY mastered a measure I struggled with.
That Joan. That smile.
I know she knew who I was. I know she recognized my style of music. Music was her life and I pray she was able to go back and remember those good days.
When the time came for me to leave, I got down and held her hand. She squeezed, and she didn’t let go.
I told her how much I admire her. I thanked her for the hours and hours she put into teaching me and told her how I’m forever grateful for everything she did to help me become the musician I am. She had a tear fall down her cheek.
Joan Hummel was more than a piano teacher to me. Those $4 lessons gave me more than a musical ability. I’m forever grateful for Joan."
- Jessica Brandt-Denison, Living Better subscriber

Start small, think long-term, and watch your changes compound. Where will you begin?

Until next time, live well.

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