
Living Better

🌻 6 Simple Practices That Will Make You Instantly Happier

Published 12 days ago • 6 min read

Hey Reader,

Welcome back to Living Better—your ultimate playbook for a life well-lived.

How to be happy. It’s a thought as old as time itself. No matter who we are, where we are, or what we're going through, we’ve all had it.

But what if the answer to finding happiness isn’t a complex mystery to be solved? What if finding happiness is far more simple than we'd like to think?

Today we’ll be exploring six simple, daily practices you can incorporate into your life that will make you an instantly happier person.

"Happiness is not a goal… it’s a by-product of a life well lived.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

6 Simple Practices For Happiness

When happiness feels distant or out of reach, these six practices, exercised daily, can put you on the path to joy:

1. Get Adequate Sunlight

To produce enough Vitamin D, the average person needs roughly 30 minutes of sun exposure each day.

Vitamin D has a profound impact on both our physical (cell growth, immune system, bone development, hormone function, nervous system regulation, etc.) and mental health (mood regulation, cognitive function, anxiety and depression levels, etc.).

Whether you find yourself working from home or rushing from one place to the next, be sure to prioritize stepping out each day to get some fresh air and soak up some glorious sun!

2. Walk (Or Incorporate Daily Movement)

We all know physical activity can help with things like weight loss, muscle strength, and cardiovascular health, but how does increased movement impact our mental health?

Walking releases tension in our muscle groups and deepens our breathing, leading to reduced anxiety and stress. It also increases blood flow to our brain and body, thus calming our central nervous system.

No time for 10,000 steps? Not a problem; aim for 30+ minutes a day, or 2.5 hours a week, of walking or other movement. The best part? It's not only totally free, but studies show it can reduce your chances of depression by 25%!

3. Eat A Nutrient-Rich Diet

Eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet is not just essential for preventing chronic diseases, but contributing to our overall health, happiness, and well-being.

Perhaps the French lawyer, Jean Brillat-Savarin, said it best: "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are." In other words, if you eat healthy, you will feel healthy, inside and out.

Why? Well, the more we fuel our gut with nutritious foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes, and whole grains, the more we produce neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin which contribute directly to our happiness.

4. Develop & Practice Gratitude

If we asked you to write a list of everything you don't have in your life that someone else does, you could easily fill up a whole page. Or five.

But just like a healthy gut, identifying the things you do have in your life and holding space for gratitude can also activate feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

Expressing gratitude for others can also help deepen your relationships, leading to more meaningful, healthy, and positive bonds. Whether it's one good friend, a warm cup of coffee, or a comfy bed to lie in at night, there is always something, or someone, to be grateful for.

5. Find Love (Of Any Kind)

Finding authentic love—for a person, place, or hobby—is essential for everyone to lead a happy life.

Feeling and expressing deep-rooted love can not only provide relief from everyday stressors that wear on us mentally, but boost our self-esteem, confidence, creativity, and sense of purpose.

Many people spend their lives waiting for love, but not building it. Whether initiating a meaningful conversation with a sibling, exploring your local park for the coziest spot, or daringly throwing yourself into a new craft, there is something out there for everyone to enjoy.

6. Reject Comfort, Embrace LDL Journaling

American author and motivational speaker Wayne Walter Dyer once said, "Love what you do; Do what you love." But what if your joys are undiscovered, waiting for you in the wings?

We've all heard about gratitude journaling but today we're presenting what we're calling LDL journaling, or the process of trying new things—big or small —and documenting what you like, dislike, and love.

Tried a new recipe, but disliked it? Experimented with a new hobby and loved it? Journal all your new experiences and slowly move your life into the direction of your likes and loves. You never know what hidden joys you might uncover along the way!

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Good Reads (Just For You!)

MEET CAITLIN, the mom sharing how she's prioritizing her children's mental health.

“As a mom, I am always so caught up in making sure I get a break that I forget my children need, and deserve them, too..."

MEET KYLE, the widower sharing how he transformed his rage and grief into joy.

“I went from angry and bitter in my grief journey to tears of happiness in the blink of an—well, a new script...."

MEET JULIA, the former drinker who found happiness after getting sober.

“I felt sad, ashamed, and hopeless, until I finally realized these feelings were happening after nights where I drank alcohol..."

MEET JENNI, the therapist sharing her 44 must-know secrets to living a happy life.

“While I certainly haven’t figured out all of life’s secrets at 43, I've learned my fair share of important lessons..."

MEET GEORGE, the man who gathered advice from children on how to be happy.

“ asked a group of 6-year-olds, ‘How can adults become happy?’ The quote of the week comes from Willow..."

Now I Know: Discover Fascinating Facts Every Day.

Looking for a daily dose of wonder and knowledge? Now I Know, the beloved newsletter by Dan Lewis, delivers intriguing trivia straight to your inbox.

Here's what's inside:

  1. Quirky History: Uncover secrets like how Abraham Lincoln established the Secret Service on the very day he was shot.
  2. Curious Science: Ever wondered why carrots used to be purple? Get ready for mind-bending revelations!
  3. Word Origins: Dive into the fascinating backstory of everyday words like “turkey” (both the bird and the food).

Make your inbox a little more delightful and subscribe to Now I Know below.

Community Spotlight

Dive into heartwarming stories and inspiring journeys from fellow Living Better members! This week, we're highlighting Amanda's sweet moment:

"When your big sister, Emma, is in a wheelchair so naturally this is your absolute favorite Barbie.
My daughter joyfully plays with this Barbie every single day (or her 'Emma Barbie' as she likes to call it).
In case you were wondering... Yes, representation matters!"
- Amanda Burritt, Living Better subscriber

Until next time, live well.

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